Blog Archive - Page 2
Movie Poster Prices
Published by Ralph DeLuca on July 25, 2007
Have questions about movie poster prices? I'm your man. Call me first or last, but make sure you don't forget to get to contact me about the authenticity of your movie poster prices and any other questions you might have. A number of factors affects the price of the poster whether it is a vintage movie poster or a music concert poster, including the actual condition of a poster.
Movie Posters Altered With Song Titles
Published by Ralph DeLuca on July 23, 2007
This is kind of interesting.
Someone at ran a contest on "SomethingAwful" where people were supposed to take movie posters and make them into concert posters.
Book Focuses on Lost Movie Poster Art

Published by Ralph DeLuca on July 20, 2007
By BOB THOMAS - from
The Associated Press
Friday, June 29, 2007; 9:32 AM
LOS ANGELES -- During the early years of motion pictures, theaters across the country shunned studio-produced promotional displays and instead hired their own artists to paint movie posters that would better entice ticket buyers. Because they had to work ahead of the film's schedule, most of the artists never even saw the movies theydepicted and had to rely on publicity photographs _ or just their own imaginations.
Then after the movies finished their runs _ usually in a week _ new posters would appear and the old ones would disappear, never to be seen by the public again.
Until now.
This weekend, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is releasing "Now Playing," an oversized coffee-table book jammed with full-page reproductions of the best of lobby art.
An exhibit containing original versions of the posters also has opened for limited showings at the Academy's Mary Pickford Center for Motion Picture Study in Hollywood.
Learn About the Poster Boy for Movie Art

Published by Ralph DeLuca on July 20, 2007
By Jack Garner - from Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
(July 20, 2007) The late Rochester artist Batiste Madalena is the star of Now Playing: Hand Painted Poster Art from the 1910s through the 1950s, a finely crafted new coffee table book about beautiful art designed to sell movies in the Golden Age and before.
As a young and talented artist, Madalena was commissioned by George Eastman himself to paint posters for films coming to the Eastman Theatre when it was an elegant movie house between 1924 and 1928. Altogether, he painted 1,400 posters. Eastman told Madalena just to be sure passers-by could read the titles from the street. Fortunately, Madalena did far more than that. He created memorable art with his pitches for films with Lon Chaney, Valentino, Greta Garbo and more
More About Ralph DeLuca and Madison New Jersey
Published by Ralph DeLuca on August 20, 2007
According to WikiPedia:
During the British colonial period, the earliest settlers of European descent arrived in this portion of New Jersey about 1715 and established "Bottle Hill" at the crossroads of Ridgedale Avenue and Kings Road. The Luke Miller house at 105 Ridgedale Avenue is thought to be the oldest remaining home, having been built around 1730. Morris County, created in 1739, was divided into three townships. The portion of Madison north of Kings Road was put under the governance of Hanover Township and the portion to the south, under the governance of Morris Township. A meeting house for the Presbyterian Church of South Hanover, as Madison was called at the time, was started in 1747 where the Presbyterian Cemetery still exists between Kings Road and Madison Avenue.
Anyone out there from Madison New Jersey?
Selling Movie Posters
Published by Ralph DeLuca on June 28, 2007
I'm currently in Madison New Jersey, but I do business all over the country. From California to the original 13 states, I comb the North American Continent continually for new movie memorabilia for my collection.
The Day the Music Died

Bought by Ralph DeLuca
Published by Ralph DeLuca on June 7, 2007
I've come across a concert poster for the 1959 Buddy Holly show in Moorehead, MN. Yes, the night the music died.
This is the only known poster for this show in existence. (If you know someone who has another or even other Buddy Holly posters, contact me, as I'm looking to build a collection around that fateful event.)
The poster's owner was the son of a local street sweeper. He contacted me, and I hopped on a plane and traveled across the country to purchase the concert poster for my collection
Rare One of a Kind Elvis Concert Poster

Concert: May 25, 1956
Bought by Ralph DeLuca
Published by Ralph DeLuca on December 2, 2006
I am very excited about this recent acquisition. It's the only known copy of an Elvis Presley concert poster from 1956. As far as Rock and Roll concert posters go it does not get any cooler than this!!
Welcome to the Ralph DeLuca Blog
Published by Ralph DeLuca on August 7, 2006
Hi, I'm Ralph DeLuca. Welcome to my blog. I'll use this space to talk about original movie posters, vintage movie posters, vintage music posters and more. Contact me if you have any questions.
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